Referência: UA-002-64

Marca: ONSET

UA-002-64 Registrador de dados pendente HOBO de temperatura/luz 64K

Um registrador de dados em miniatura, econômico e à prova d'água para aplicações de monitoramento de temperatura e luz; armazena medições de 52K. INFORMAÇÃO IMPORTANTE Requer software HOBOware e uma estação base USB óptica ou um ônibus à prova d'água HOBO (U-DTW-1). HOBOware Pro é necessário ao usar o HOBO Waterproof Shuttle. Veja os itens compatíveis...
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S-RGF-M002 Davis®  Sensor esperto do Pluviómetro de 0.2mm
  • S-RGF-M002 Davis®  Sensor esperto do Pluviómetro de 0.2mm
  • S-RGF-M002 Davis®  Sensor esperto do Pluviómetro de 0.2mm
  • S-RGF-M002 Davis®  Sensor esperto do Pluviómetro de 0.2mm

S-RGF-M002 Davis® Sensor esperto do Pluviómetro de 0.2mm


S-RGF-M002 Davis® 0.2 mm Rain Gauge Smart Sensor

Featuring the AeroCone® design for better measurement accuracy in high-wind conditions, this 0.2 mm rain gauge sensor is plug-and-play compatible with all HOBO weather stations.



Featuring the AeroCone® design for improved measurement accuracy in high wind conditions, this rain gauge sensor is constructed of UV-stabilized ABS plastic to provide cost-effective rainfall measurement and is compatible with all HOBO weather stations.

It is also available in a wireless model for use with the HOBOnet field monitoring system.


Optimized design reduces the amount of uncaptured rainfall in windy conditions, resulting in more accurate rainfall data
Improved debris screen locks to ensure it stays in place during high winds
6.5” collector opening meets World Meteorological Organization (WMO) guidelines


Measurement Range
0 to 10.2 cm (0 to 4 in.) per hour, maximum 4,000 tips per logging interval

±4.0%, ±1 rainfall count between 0.2 and 50.0 mm (0.01 and 2.0 in.) per hour; ±5.0%, ±1 rainfall count between 50.0 and 100.0 mm (2.0 and 4.0 in.) per hour

0.01 in. (S-RGC-M002) or 0.2 mm (S-RGF-M002)

Operating Temperature Range
0° to 50°C (32° to 122°F), survival -40° to 75°C (-40° to 167°F)

Environmental Rating

UV-stabilized ABS plastic

Tipping spoon with magnetic reed switch pivots on metal shaft

16.5 cm opening diameter (6.5 in.) x 24 cm (9.5 in.) high; 214 cm2 (33.2 in.2) collection area

1.2 kg (2.7 lbs)

Bits per Sample

Number of Data Channels*

Measurement Averaging


Cable Length Available
2 m (6.6 ft)

Length of Smart Sensor Network Cable*
0.5 m (1.6 ft)

The CE Marking identifies this product as complying with all relevant directives in the European Union (EU).

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